The introduction programme

The introduction programme (etableringsprogrammet) provides support through activities and training for some recently arrived immigrants. The goal is to be able to learn Swedish, find a job and financially support yourself as quickly as possible.


The introduction programme consists of individually tailored initiatives and support, combined with actively searching for a job. The goal is to be able to learn Swedish, find a job and financially support yourself as quickly as possible.


You can participate in an introduction programme if you are between 20 and 65 years old and have recently received a residence permit as a refugee, a person in need of protection, or if you are a family member of a refugee or a person in need of protection.

How it works

You and an Employment Officer plan which initiatives suit you best in order for you to learn Swedish and find a job as quickly as possible. An interpreter is available if you need one. Examples of initiatives:

  • language training if you do not have basic knowledge of Swedish, Swedish for Immigrants (svenska för invandrare, SFI)
  • civic orientation
  • training at various levels if you need to build or develop skills
  • job experience (praktik)
  • support in your job search
  • support and consultation if you are considering starting a company
  • validation of competencies (validering).

When we talk to you, it is important that you tell us about your professional experience, education, interests and ambitions. We also need to know if anything might impact your ability to work or take part in activities.

We may prompt you to study

Many employers are in need of workers, but struggle to find the right people with the right training. You may need to study first to be eligible for some of the jobs out there.

If you do not have an education corresponding with the Swedish upper-secondary level and we determine that you need to study in order to get a job, we may assess that you are subject to compulsory education. If you are subject to compulsory education, you will apply to study at a municipal adult education (komvux) facility in your municipality, or for a general course at a folk high school (folkhögskola).

We may prompt you to study even if compulsory education does not apply to you. In that case, you may be prompted to apply for studies at a municipal adult education facility, folk high school, higher vocational education, college (högskola) or university.

When we prompt you to study and compulsory education

If you have an illness or disability, you may be entitled to extra support

If your health or disability impacts your ability to participate in the activities, we want you to tell us. This could include stress, trouble sleeping, or physical pain, for example. In this case, together, we will consider what support you need in order to participate in the activities.

Support for people with disabilities

Programme scope

The programme is typically full time. If you are on parental leave or working part time, or if you cannot participate full time due to illness or disability, it is possible to participate in the programme part time.

Compensation and terms and conditions

Receiving this support counts as participation in a programme and you can apply for compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). Here, we explain how to apply for compensation and what applies when you are enrolled with the Public Employment Service and participating in one of our programmes.

When you participate in a programme

What is expected of you

Participation in the programme is voluntary, but if you do, you must be active and follow the agreed plan.

One of the goals of the programme is to be able to support yourself financially. This means you need to take part in the initiatives that we plan together. Unless we have agreed something else, you need to be actively searching for a job. If you are offered a job, you are expected to accept it. Your compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency may be impacted if you do not follow your plan, if you do not participate in the initiatives, or if you do not accept a job.

You need to notify us of any changes, for example if you start working or studying.

If you get sick or are caring for a sick child

If you get sick or need to stay home to take care of a child (vård av barn, VAB), tell us.

Report absence when you are sick

Report absence to care for a sick child

Report activities

Every month, you must submit an activity report. This is important in order for you to receive the proper support to find a job or to study, and in order for you to receive compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Activity report

How long you can be in the programme

You can be in the introduction programme until you

  • start working full time;
  • go on parental leave full time;
  • are sick full time for more than one month and the programme cannot be modified.

You may be in the introduction programme for a total of 24 months. Remember that you can only be in the programme within a 36-month period, calculated from when you received your personal identity number.

You may be able to return to the programme

You may return to the programme again, provided that it has not been more than 36 months since you got your personal identity number.

If the Public Employment Service ends your programme

The Public Employment Service can revoke your right to be in the programme. That means the programme ends and you no longer have the right to take part in it. You can lose your right to participate in the programme if you engage in misconduct or disrupt the activities. The Public Employment Service can also end your programme for specific reasons, for example, if you no longer can or want to participate in the programme. You can also lose your place if your residence permit changes or if you no longer belong to the programme’s target group.

After your programme ends

If your right to participate in the programme was revoked, it may be possible to participate again. But you will not be able to participate again if you no longer belong to the programme’s target group, or if it has been more than 36 months since you got your personal identity number.

If your programme was stopped for some other reason and there is time left, you can participate again after 45 qualifying days (karensdagar). Qualifying days are days when you would have been able to receive compensation if you were still in the programme. In this case, you need to remain registered as a jobseeker. If you choose to deregister from the Public Employment Service, you must register as a jobseeker within 60 days.

How to return to the programme

At the earliest, your programme can begin the same day that we make a plan together. You must contact the Public Employment Service yourself.

If you have been deregistered from the Public Employment Service, you must register again as a jobseeker at the Public Employment Service’s website, or by visiting a National Government Service Centre.

If you are still registered with the Public Employment Service, you need to call us on 0771–416 416 or visit a National Government Service Centre to notify us that you want to return to the programme.

You can receive compensation for travel expenses

If you take part in a programme or course somewhere other than where you live, you can receive payment for the cost of travel and accommodation.

Compensation for travel expenses in connection with a programme or job interview