
At we use cookies to make the website work as well as possible for you. We also use cookies for web analysis in order to make the website better. You can choose whether we may save only necessary cookies or whether we may also save cookies for web analysis.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer and contains information about your visit to a website. It does not provide any information about you as a user and does not transfer viruses to your computer.

One type of cookie is temporarily saved on your computer when you visit our website and is deleted when you close your browser. The second type of cookie is stored on your computer for a longer period of time and is used on your next visit to our website.

Everyone who visits our website and uses cookies must be informed by law that the website contains cookies, what they are used for and how you can change them.

If you do not want cookies to be used on your computer, you can change the setting in your browser's security settings. Then no cookies are stored, but you will also not be able to use certain functions, for example services on the website that require login.

Cookies that we use on the Arbetsförmedlingen website in order for our services and functions to work:

  • JSESSIONID – used to link the user to a specific visit.
  • sv-cookie-consent – ​​stores cookie approval.
  • af-cookie-consent – ​​stores approval of cookies for Arbetsförmedlingen own functions.
  • Cookies beginning with BIGipServer – required to maintain the session between server and client.
  • Cookies beginning with f5avr – required to maintain the session between server and client.
  • Cookies beginning with TS01 – required to maintain the session between server and client.
  • Cookies containing 32 characters of the type: 05a4d781cea94d37ac607361fd1fbd7a – required to maintain the session between server and client.
  • AMV_LOGIN_URL_RETENTION_COOKIE – redirect after login so that the user gets to the correct My pages (Mina sidor).
  • KONTEXTUEL_LOGIN_COOKIE – redirect after login so that the user gets to the correct service.
  • AMV_skapakontologinredirect – ensures that the user lands on the correct login page after creating login details and are going to log in for the first time.
  • AMS_CIAM_LOGINTYPE – navigates the user correctly when creating login details.
  • af_drift-open- + ID – stores display mode for operating messages.
  • sv-jwt-direkt – handles login for directly transferred ads.
  • Q-unique-id – used to save a generated user ID for our statistics pages.
  • AF-statistik-feedback-voted – save if a user has provided feedback to our statistics pages after they have exported a data file, so that the user does not have to provide feedback again.

We use Piwik Pro to learn how visitors use Piwik Pro is used to collect user data that is necessary for us to know so that we can develop the website in the best way.

This is how we analyze cookies created by Piwik Pro:

  • _pk_id – used to recognize users and hold their various properties.
  • stg_last_interaction – indicates whether the users last session is still running or a new session has started.
  • stg_returning_visitor – indicates whether the user has been to your site before and therefore is a returning visitor.
  • _stg_optout – helps to turn off all tracking tags on
  • _pk_ses, _pk_cvar, ppms_privacy, stg_traffic_source_priority – short-term cookies for temporary data.
  • ppms_webstorage – optimizes response times.
  • stg_debugm – checks whether the user has enabled more detailed web analytics tracking.
  • stg_fired – manages status in web analytics tag manager.
  • stg_utm_campaign, stg_pk_campaign – used to analyze and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • stg_externalReferrer – used to analyze and measure traffic from external traffic sources.

The data in Piwik Pro is anonymous

The data collected in Piwik Pro is anonymized so that no one can be identified. We also never share this data with third parties. All services that are used for data collection are operated in environments that are within Sweden's borders and that are dedicated to Arbetsförmedlingen.

If you have not accepted cookies, we collect data regarding clicks and URL visits, but this is completely anonymised, and we do not store any information from your terminal equipment.

If you do not want to accept the storage of cookies by Piwik Pro

If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can turn off the function. You do this in your browser's settings. No cookies are then stored, but you will also not be able to use certain functions on the website.

Legal information about cookies

Electronic Communications Act (2003:389) ( (in Swedish)

More about cookies and the Electronic Communications Act can be found on the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Authority's website:

Swedish Post and Telecommunications Authority (Post- och telestyrelsen ( (in Swedish)