Contact us at Arbetsförmedlingen

Contact us

You can get help from employment officers by phone and email.

Open on weekdays between 09:00 and 16:00.

Telephone number: 0771-416 416

Find an office

Find the nearest office (use the Google translate-function for translation)

If you are in the introduction programme

If you are taking part in the introduction programme we offer support in five other languages.

Open on weekdays between 10:00 and 16:00.

0771-860 100

Customer Service can help you with:

  • support on how to register at Arbetsförmedlingen
  • tips on how to find job vacancies
  • advice on how to improve your job search
  • support when you look for a job in Platsbanken and how to register an application
  • discuss your situation and what support you can get from us with an employment officer
  • answers to general questions about our programmes and activities, courses and professions, and unemployment insurance.