Help for jobseekers with disability or health problems

Do you have a disability, diagnosis, illness or some type of difficulty? If so, you may be entitled to support from us when applying for work, preparing for working life and when you are at work.

Page contents

Who is entitled to support?

Below we describe difficulties and disabilities that often lead to us providing support. If you have these difficulties that affect you when applying for work, preparing for working life or working, you can get support.

Cognitive difficulties

You may have difficulty learning, concentrating, starting and finishing things and remembering. ADHD or autism may be the cause.

Language difficulties 

For example, you have difficulty reading or writing. Dyslexia or aphasia may be the cause.

Mental health problems

You may be someone who feels anxiety, worry, stress, exhaustion, depression, has problems sleeping or social phobia.

Problems with your health

For example, you have pains in your body, a severe allergy or heart problems.

Limited mobility

You may have difficulty sitting, standing, walking or using your arms and hands.


For example, you have very impaired vision or are blind, have difficulty recognising people at a distance or reading text in a small font.


For example, you have impaired hearing or are deaf, find it difficult to hear what people are saying in conversation or you have irritating noises in your ear.


You have misused or been addicted to alcohol, drugs, medicines or gambling, which may affect your prerequisites for applying for, getting or keeping a job.


You can get support even if your difficulties are not included in this list.

What support does Arbetsförmedlingen offer?

The purpose of our support is to make life easier for those who have a disability, diagnosis, illness or other difficulty. Below we describe common types of support available when you are, for example:

  • We find out what jobs are suitable for you and your skills.
  • We investigate whether there are adaptations or aids you may need in order to work.
  • Occupational rehabilitation in a workplace.
  • Job experience in a workplace.
  • Meet with a specialist, such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychologist, deaf services consultant, vision specialist, or audiologist.

  • Additional support when applying for work, for example help writing a job application.
  • A person who helps you find a job and talks to your new employer.
  • Study support if you are attending a training programme via Arbetsförmedlingen while applying for work.
  • Sign language interpreter when you participate in Arbetsförmedlingen’s activities or training programmes.

  • A person who introduces you and provides you with support in the workplace.
  • Adapt the job, for example a lower work pace and tasks that are suited to you.
  • Allowance to you or the employer to obtain aids that will make it easier for you at work.

Take the first step

In order for you to receive support we need to know how your difficulty or disability affects you when applying for work, preparing for working life or working. We then investigate, together with you, what support you need in order to work.

Call in conjunction with a disability or illness

You start by:

  • registering as a jobseeker
  • telling us about your difficulties.


If you are already registered you can contact us directly.

Not registered - do this 


You register with us using our website


You choose a time when we can call you and have a planning discussion.


It is important that you tell us about your difficulties during the planning discussion. A relative or other person can also join in to provide support.


You will be invited to a more in-depth planning discussion. The support investigation will be different for different people and can take different amounts of time.

Do you need help to register?

The National Government Service Centre (Statens servicecenter) can help you to register. You do not need to book an appointment. Visit an office and tell the staff you want to register with Arbetsförmedlingen and they will help you. If you do not have e-ID you need to bring an ID such as a driver's licence, passport or ID card.

Find your nearest service office (

More information for you and your relatives

It is a good idea to tell your family or other important people around you about this page. It may feel good to have relatives who know how Arbetsförmedlingen’s support works.

If you want to know more you can watch a video, listen to a podcast or click through to other pages with detailed information. Links to more information about support can be found below.

Support if you have a disability or bad health

How to register

When submitting medical documents to us

Prepare for the planning discussion

When you receive or have received compensation from sickness insurance

Contact us

We can answer your questions about support and help you move forward. Contact us if you, for example, want to:

  • ask about Arbetsförmedlingen’s support
  • get help registering on our website
  • find something out before a meeting with us
  • ask what to do when your employment with support ends.

If you have e-ID you can receive personalised assistance. You can find various ways of contacting us below; choose the one that suits you best.

Chat with us

Choose your errand, ask questions and wait for a response.

Chat with an employment officer.

Open Monday–Friday: 8-16

Chat with us (in Swedish)

Reach us by phone

Choose if you want to be called back or wait in the telephone queue.

Talk to an employment officer.

Open Monday–Friday: 8-16

Visit a National Government Service Centre

No bookable appointments.

Find a National Government Service Centre near you.

The opening hours vary.