Register as a jobseeker
Register your first day of unemployment. Start by logging in with e-identification and creating an account. Start Register (Skriv in dig) and enter all information, for example: what jobs you are looking for and what experience you have. Then schedule a planning meeting with an Employment Officer. Contact your unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) to apply for compensation.
When should I register?
It is important that you register with us on your first day of unemployment. Then your unemployment insurance fund can assess your entitlement to compensation from the first day of unemployment. You can start filling in information before you have become unemployed. Then wait until your first day of unemployment to submit the information.
When you register with us on the first day you are unemployed and actively seeking a job, another agency or municipality can assess your right to compensation. For example, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) can decide on your income qualifying for sickness benefit (sjukpenninggrundande inkomst, SGI).
How do I register?
- Step one is to log in using e-identification on our website.
- Go to Register (Skriv in dig) and enter information about your education, work experience and skills. Make sure you have plenty of time while registering. The more we know, the faster we can help you.
- In the last step, you book a time for a planning discussion with an employment officer and then send in your registration. You may receive a call directly after registering. If you already know when registering that you will start working or studying within three months, then it is not necessary to book a planning discussion. Instead, you will be asked if you wish to be deregistered when you start your new employment. Your registration is then submitted after you answer this question.
Once you have entered all the information and sent in your registration, you will receive confirmation that you have been registered as a jobseeker.
If you do not have access to a computer or mobile phone, you can visit a service office and borrow a computer.
In this video, we give you step-by-step guidance on how to register as a jobseeker with the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen). (Subtitles in Swedish, English and Arabic)
Apply for unemployment benefit
When you are unemployed and have registered with us, you can apply for benefit from an unemployment insurance fund during the time you are looking for a job. How much you can receive will depend, among other things, on how much you have worked previously and if you are a member of an unemployment insurance fund.
Contact your unemployment benefit office and apply for benefit. The simplest way to do this is to log into your unemployment benefit office’s website.
If you are not a member of an unemployment benefit fund, you can apply for membership and basic compensation when you become unemployed. If you do not want to become a member of an unemployment benefit fund, you can apply for basic compensation from the “Alfa-kassan” fund.
Get prepared before the planning discussion
You book a planning discussion with an employment officer when you register. However, you do not need to book a planning discussion if you are due to start work or studies within three months.