Unemployment benefit

When you are unemployed it may be possible to receive compensation from unemployment insurance while looking for work. You apply to your unemployment insurance fund for this compensation. In this section you can read about how to apply, what is required in order to receive compensation and how much money you can receive.

What is unemployment benefit?

3 minutes 18 seconds

The film explains what unemployment insurance is and describes the conditions for compensation.

How do I apply for compensation from the unemployment insurance fund?

  1. Register with Arbetsförmedlingen on the first day you are unemployed and state that you want to apply for compensation from the unemployment insurance fund.
  2. Log in to your unemployment insurance fund’s website and apply for compensation. There you can see what information you need to submit in order to receive a decision on whether you are entitled to compensation.

If you are not a member of an unemployment insurance fund you can apply for membership in conjunction with becoming unemployed. You can do this on the unemployment insurance fund’s website. If you do not want to become a member of an unemployment insurance fund you can apply for compensation from Alfa-kassan.


Find your unemployment insurance fund (sverigesakassor.se) (in Swedish)

What is required in order to receive compensation from the unemployment insurance fund?

To receive compensation from an unemployment insurance fund you must be registered as unemployed with Arbetsförmedlingen. You must be able and willing to take a job immediately. There must be nothing that prevents you from applying for and taking a job. If you have children, you must have arranged childcare. Normally, you must also be in Sweden and have completed any studies. Contact your unemployment insurance fund for more information about what applies in your specific situation.

To be entitled to compensation you must also have worked previously. You need to meet one of the following conditions:

  • Over the past year, you have worked a minimum of six months and a minimum of 60 hours in each calendar month.
  • Over the past year, you have worked a minimum of 420 hours over six consecutive months and a minimum of 40 hours each calendar month.

Request a certificate from your employer that shows how much you have worked. Log in to your unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) and use the e-service Request an employer certificate (Begär arbetsgivarintyg) or ask your employer to use arbetsgivarintyg.nu.

For example, if you have been on parental leave, sick or have studied full time, it is possible for you to count work that was further in the past.

If your unemployment insurance fund has confirmed that you are not entitled to compensation, you can contact your municipality to apply for financial support.

How much money do I get?

How much money you get depends on how much you have worked, your previous income and how long you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund. It is your unemployment insurance fund that decides on the compensation and calculates how much compensation you are entitled to.

Compensation based on your income

If you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund for at least one year, you may get up to 80 per cent of your previous salary. You can receive a maximum of SEK 26,400 per month before tax.

Basic compensation

If you are not a member of an unemployment insurance fund or have been a member for less than one year, you may be entitled to basic compensation. You can receive a maximum of SEK 11,220 per month before tax, depending on how much you have worked previously. You must also have turned 20 years of age.

For how long am I able to receive compensation?

A compensation period is 300 days. You can receive compensation for a maximum of five days per week. If you have children under the age of 18, the period is automatically extended by 150 days. If you have not found a job after 300 days of compensation, you may be offered the opportunity to participate in the Job and Development Programme.

Job and Development Programme

What do I need to do when I receive compensation?

To avoid the risk of going without compensation, you must follow the plan you make with us, be active, and apply for at least 6 suitable jobs per month (unless otherwise stated in your action plan). You must participate in scheduled meetings and other activities we agree to. If an obstacle arises, you must notify us.

If you are offered a suitable job or extra support through a programme, you must accept. You also have to submit an activity report to us between the first and the fourteenth of each month.

If you want to attend a course or study while applying for work and are receiving compensation from unemployment insurance, you must first contact your unemployment insurance fund. They decision whether you are able to do that and keep receiving your compensation.

It is important that you are aware of all applicable conditions and how your compensation may be affected if you neglect your job-seeking or if you prolong or cause your unemployment.

Conditions when receiving compensation from unemployment insurance

Report activity

Contact your unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) if something changes or if you have questions

Be sure to provide correct information to the unemployment insurance fund, so that you receive the correct compensation. Remember to inform the unemployment insurance fund if something changes that may affect your compensation. If you have received compensation to which you are not entitled, you may need to pay it back.

If you have questions about how to fill in your time sheet or what changes are important to notify them about, contact your unemployment insurance fund. Also contact your unemployment insurance fund if you have questions about your payments, membership, or something else pertaining to your compensation.

Contact information for all unemployment insurance funds can be found on the website of Sweden’s unemployment insurance funds (Sveriges a-kassor).

Sveriges a-kassor (sverigesakassor.se)

Take your compensation with you to apply for work in Europe

If you are entitled to compensation from a Swedish unemployment insurance fund, you can apply to take your compensation with you in order to apply for work in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, the Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

You must be fully unemployed and have been registered with Arbetsförmedlingen for at least four weeks after becoming unemployed.

Remember to apply before you travel. You need to apply to the Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate (IAF).

Application for certificate to apply for work in Europe (iaf.se)