When you take part in a programme

Arbetsförmedlingen offers different forms of support for those registered with us. Some of the forms of support are called programmes. When you take part in a programme, you can apply for benefit in the form of activity support, development benefit or introduction benefit. The benefit you receive will depend on which programme you are taking part in and how old you are. The following information explains what applies when you take part in one of our programmes.

After you have received a decision about a programme

After making an assessment, Arbetsförmedlingen will decide whether you are entitled to some form of support. If Arbetsförmedlingen has decided on a programme, you then apply for activity support, development benefit or introduction benefit from Försäkringskassan.

Activity support and development benefit

Introduction benefit (when you take part in the introduction programme)

Conditions for compensation in programmes

When you participate in a programme and receive activity support, development allowance or introduction benefit, it is important that you fulfil the conditions. Otherwise, you risk being issued a warning or losing your compensation for one or more days.

Conditions for compensation in programmes

Report absence if you are sick

When you take part in a programme, if you become sick, you must report to us that you are sick on the very first day in order to be able to keep your benefit during the sick leave period.

Report absence if you are sick

Report absence to take care of a child

Tell us if you are not able to take part in your planned activities because you need to stay at home to take care of a child who has become sick.

Report absence to take care of a child (VAB)

Report your activities

Every month, you must fill in and submit an activity report. This is important so we can give you the right support on your way to work, training or education and so you can receive your benefit from Försäkringskassan. You must submit your activity report between the 1 and 14 of each month.

Report your activities

Compensation for travel expenses

You can apply for a grant for travel and accommodation costs for a job interview in another part of Sweden, or if you are taking part in a programme in a place to which you cannot commute daily.

Compensation for travel expenses in connection with a job interview or programme

Insurance and compensation for damage or loss

When you take part in a programme, you are in some cases covered by personal and group life insurance through the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) and the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV). The insurance does not apply when you take part in a support programme for starting up a business. If you have accidentally caused damage, the organiser can apply for compensation for damage or loss via us.

Insurance and compensation for damage or loss when you take part in a programme

My Pages

On My Pages, you can see when we took our decision on a programme.

My Pages

Are there other forms of support that might suit you?

Arbetsförmedlingen assesses whether a certain form of support would be a good way to increase your job opportunities. What form of support we can offer you will depend on your personal situation. Information about all the forms of support we offer can be found under Support A-Z.

Support A–Z