Want a summer job?

You can find vacant summer jobs for 2025 in the Job Bank. Summer jobs that employers have notified Arbetsförmedlingen about are found there. But there are more ways of finding a job.

How to look for vacant summer jobs in 2025

The most effective way of finding a summer job in Sweden is to combine different methods. If you look for summer jobs in several different ways, you increase your chances of success. Use Arbetsförmedlingen, check job advertisements and contact employers directly.

Tell everyone – family, friends, neighbours, schoolmates and online friends – that you are looking for fun summer jobs or temporary jobs in 2025. Many municipalities and counties have summer jobs for those who are still at upper secondary school and a student. Contact the municipality and county where you live and find out if they have anything you can apply for.

Do you dream about a summer job in another country?

There are also companies outside Sweden that employ extra staff during the summer.

How to write a good application

The application should contain a short personal letter and a list of what you know and have done previously: a CV or a list of qualifications. The application should quickly inform the employer about your knowledge, qualifications and experience. The goal is to get the employer to notice you.

Write a short but personal application letter that captures the employer’s interest. Explain why you are perfect for the job. Put some time and effort into the CV and application and adapt them to the job you are applying for. Also list your experience and personal qualities in a CV although keep it to a maximum of one page.

The job interview is a good opportunity to find out if the job suits you and you suit the job. It doesn’t matter if you are nervous, the employer has certainly applied for a job at some time and knows what it feels like.

More useful advice about how to look for a job

Things to think about when you have got a summer job

Have you got a summer job? Congratulations! Here are some useful things to know when you are young and working, for example, it is important that you receive an employment agreement and know how much you will earn.

What work you can take depends on what you can do and how old you are. For example, you cannot work before six in the morning if you are under 18 and you cannot work alone or be in charge of cash until you are 16. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and ask questions. Everyone knows you are new.

Remember that you have the right to a written payslip that shows how many hours you have worked, how much you have been paid and whether the employer has paid tax.

When you leave the job, you should get an employment certificate. Also, ask the employer for a personal reference. A good reference helps when you look for your next job!

If you like the summer job, you can always ask if you can do extra work after summer. This provides valuable work experience.

It is important to know your rights and obligations when you are looking for a job and when you get one. Don’t agree to work unofficially or work a trial job for no pay. Remember that there are employers who exploit young people. Before you accept a job, ask for a written employment certificate with your work and pay conditions.

On the following sites you will find more important information that you need to know about summer jobs.

LO’s youth site (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation)(kollpajobbet.lo.se) (in Swedish)

Rules for how people under the age of 18 may work - The Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) (arbetsmiljoverket.se) (in Swedish)

Certificate for payment of salary without tax deduction - Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency) (skatteverket.se) (in Swedish)

Here are some points that should normally be included in an employment agreement:

  • The employer’s and your name and address
  • Working tasks
  • Workplace
  • Starting date
  • Form of employment: permanent or fixed period
  • Notice periods
  • Holiday
  • Working hours. Is there flexitime, on-call working or shift work, for example? Overtime rules. Form of employment. Is it permanent or fixed period employment as a substitute or seasonal work?
  • Pay and other benefits, how often payment is made
  • The extent of the job. Is it full time or part time?
  • If there is a collective agreement