Plumber, Ventilation and insulation fitter with experience
Vs-Vent Syd AB
Kommun: Malmö
Korta fakta om jobbet
- VVS-isolerare - erfarenhet efterfrågas
- Gymnasial utbildning
- VVS-isolering
- Ventilationsisolering
- Utbildningsbevis, VVS-montör
- Ventilationsmontering
- Engelska
- Bosniska
- Serbiska
- Kroatiska
- Svenska
- B
Om jobbet
Om jobbet
The company works with plumbering and ventilation and adjusting air in different buildnings. Our clients can be from the private to tenant-owner associations, construction companies, property management and others. We are a company with high demands on ourselves. Our goal is to provide the customer with the best possible quality of service. Fast and qualitative handling of services from order to completion. Having regular satisfied customers. Good relationships and trust for mutual benefit. Certified plumbing installers with at least 5 years of experience in the profession, ventilations fitter requires at least 3 years of experience, the job asks you to be able to work independently and have high social skills as customer contact often occurs. Be able to read drawings. B driving licenses are a prerequisite. Plumbing, ventilation and insulator installations, a moving and social job with practicality and a mind for technical solutions and drawings.