Labour market entry agreement
An introduction job is for recent arrivals or people who have been unemployed for an extended period. This support should make it easier for you to become established on the labour market.
What is an labour market entry agreement?
An introduction job provides work for people who have been unemployed for an extended period or for people who are recent arrivals. You must find an employer yourself who wants to hire you for an introduction job.
The introduction job is a temporary, full-time job that lasts for two years with the employer who hires you. The goal is for the introduction job to lead to a permanent position.
Who is eligible for an labour market entry agreement?
You can receive compensation for an labour market entry agreement if you are 20 years old, unemployed, and a jobseeker with the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen).
You must also meet one of the following requirements:
- You have been unemployed or participated in a labour market programme (arbetsmarknadspolitiskt program) full-time for at least 24 of the past 27 months.
- You are in the introduction programme (etableringsprogrammet).
- You are a recent arrival and have been granted a residence permit or residence card in the last 36 months.
Your income consists of wages from an employer and compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). Your income is determined by what you work with and in what industry. Your income will not be the same as a regular salary in the industry while you have an introduction job (etableringsjobb).
Your income is pensionable and qualifying for sickness benefit and the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) benefits.
Compensation for labour market entry agreement (
Employment protection
The introduction job is a temporary two-year position. Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act (LAS) and collectively agreed forms of employment do not apply to introduction jobs. An introduction job will therefore not automatically become a permanent position.
How it works:
1. Find an employer yourself who wants to hire you
You and the employer who wants to hire you must both meet the requirements for an introduction job in order for you to be entitled to compensation.
Information about labour market entry agreement for employers (in Swedish)
2. Submit an application
When you and the employer are in agreement, apply for an labour market entry agreement. In the application, include your
- personal details,
- information about the employer,
- information about your absence from the labour market.
You should also attach evidence in support of your statements.
3. Employer certificate
For the application to be complete, the employer must submit information about their business and your position in an employer certificate.
Employer certificate for labour market entry agreement (in Swedish) Pdf, 412 kB.
4. Decision
Once we have received a complete application from you, we will assess whether you and the employer have met the requirements for an labour market entry agreement. We will then decide whether the employer may hire you for an labour market entry agreement. You may not begin the job before you receive a decision from us.
Register a change to the introduction job
If a change occurs while you are participating in an introduction job (etableringsjobb), you need to notify us as soon as it happens. We may need to re-assess the decision.