Support if you have been unemployed for a long time
If you have been unemployed for a long time, you may need extra help. There are many kinds of support to end your unemployment.
Arbetsintegrerande övningsplatser
When you need help entering the labour market. At the same time, you become an extra resource for an employer in welfare, the public sector, cultural sector or non-profit sector.
If you have been unemployed for an extended period or if you belong to a certain category of newcomer, you can get an labour market entry agreement (etableringsjobb) to make it easier to become established on the labour market.
Employment service interventions are a programme for those who need support in finding a job or starting studies. A supervisor from one of our suppliers will be your support.
When you need help getting into the labour market. You can combine the introductory job with studies, which improves your own skills and meets employers' needs.
Jobbgaranti för ungdomar
A programme for those under the age of 25, offering, for example, support with job-seeking, an internship, or study and career guidance.
Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin
A programme for those who have been unemployed for a long time and need help to return to working life.
If you have been unemployed for a long time or been away from working life, because of illness for example, a new start job gives you a chance to start again.
Projekt med arbetsmarknadspolitisk inriktning
There may be labour market policy projects in your area that we run together with others. If there is an appropriate project in your area, you may be invited to participate.
Rusta och matcha
Prepare and Match is a service for those who need extra support when applying for jobs. You pick a provider yourself and get a supervisor to help you on your journey to a job or education.