Job Guarantee Programme for Young People

The Job Guarantee Programme for Young People is a programme for young people under the age of 25. You can get help with things like applying for jobs, work experience or educational and vocational guidance. The goal is for you to find a job or start studying as quickly as possible.


This is a programme that consists of individually tailored activities and support, combined with actively searching for a job. The goal is to be able to find a job or begin to study as quickly as possible.

You may also watch a webinar to learn more about the Youth Job Programme. The webinar is in Swedish, but subtitles are available in English and Arabic.

Webinar about the Youth Job Programme

For whom?

You can participate in the Youth Job Programme if you are 16–24 years old, unemployed and registered with us. You also need to meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have been unemployed full time for at least 90 days in the past four months.
  • You have participated in the integration programme for the maximum period but are still unemployed.
  • You have been given a custodial sentence and granted temporary release from prison or have been released on parole but have not completed one year of the parole period.

The Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) offers you a place in the programme. If you are in the target group for the Youth Job Programme (jobbgarantin för ungdomar) and have not been offered a place, you can call us on 0771-416 416.

If you have a company, you are not considered unemployed and cannot participate in the programme. This is the case regardless of the extent of your entrepreneurship.

How it works

When you accept a place in the programme, you will be referred to the programme that starts the same day at the earliest. You and an Employment Officer will subsequently plan which activities suit you best in order for you to find a job or start studying as quickly as possible. An interpreter is available if you need one. A few examples of activities:

  • work experience
  • occupational rehabilitation
  • educational and vocational guidance
  • employment training, a motivating course for studies at a folk high school, or Swedish for Immigrants (SFI)
  • matching services
  • support and advice if you are considering starting your own business

We monitor your progress and give you the support you need.

If you have an illness or disability, you may be entitled to extra support

If your health or disability impacts your ability to participate in the programme activities, we want you to tell us. In this case, together, we will consider what support you need.

Support for people with disabilities

Extent of the programme

The programme is normally full time. If you are not able to work full time due to a disease or disability, it is possible to participate in the programme on a part-time basis. You can also participate in the Youth Job Programme part time if you:

  • are part-time unemployed and are receiving compensation from unemployment insurance
  • are on part-time parental leave
  • have turned 20 years old and are studying part time in municipal adult education
  • are studying SFI part time.

It is not possible to take holidays while participating in the Youth Job
Programme, but we are able to give you up to three days off in special cases.

Compensation and conditions

When participating in a programme you can apply for compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. You can read here about how to apply for compensation and what applies when you are registered with Arbetsförmedlingen and participating in one of our programmes.

When participating in a programme

What is expected of you

Participation in the programme is voluntary but if you are receiving financial compensation from unemployment insurance, you may lose your compensation if you say no to the programme. When participating in the programme you must be active and adhere to the plan we agree upon.

When you are in the programme, you need to take part in the activities that we plan together. You must be actively searching for a job and if you are offered a job, you are expected to accept it. You need to do this in order to try to solve your situation, but also to make sure your compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) is not affected.

You also need to inform us of any changes, for example if you start working or studying.

Report activities

You have to submit an activity report every month. This is important in order for you to be given the right support on your path to work or education, and so as not to affect your compensation from the Social Insurance Agency.

Activity report

If you get ill

If you get ill, you need to notify us on the first day you are ill, otherwise you lose your compensation for the entire period you are ill. If you are ill for a long time, we try to adapt the content of your programme to enable you to still take part. You are signed off the programme if you are ill full time for more than 30 days and the programme cannot be adapted.

Report absence due to illness

If you are looking after a sick child

If you need to be at home to look after a child, you have to notify us of this.

Report absence to look after a child (parental leave)

How long can you be in the programme?

You can participate in the Youth Job Programme part time until you

  • start working or studying full time outside of the Youth Job Programme
  • start taking full-time parental leave
  • fall ill on a full-time basis for more than one month and the programme cannot be adapted
  • fulfil a new condition for obtaining unemployment insurance.

You can read more here about what is required in order to receive compensation from unemployment insurance:

Compensation from unemployment insurance

You can participate in the programme for a maximum of 15 months. If you have not found a job or started studying within 15 months, you are instead able to get further support as part of the Job and Development Programme.

Job and Development Programme

You may have the opportunity to return to the programme

You can return to the programme if you were on sick leave, parental leave, or studying. If you become unemployed again, you may not have been gone for more than 12 months. If you were working and became unemployed, you can return to the programme if you are not entitled to the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) again. Read more under the heading How to return to the programme (Så kommer du tillbaka till programmet).

If Arbetsförmedlingen terminates your programme

Arbetsförmedlingen is able to withdraw your programme and this means that it is terminated and that you are no longer entitled to participate in the programme. You may lose your entitlement to participate in the programme if you are non-compliant or disrupt the activities. There are also specific reasons that allow Arbetsförmedlingen to withdraw your programme, for example if you are no longer able or willing to participate in the programme.

If your programme ends, your compensation and the activities you had in the programme end.

Once your programme has been terminated

If your right to participate in the programme was revoked, it may be possible to participate again after 45 qualifying days (karensdagar). Qualifying days must be completed consecutively and you need to continue to be registered as a jobseeker.

If you choose to deregister from the Public Employment Service on the same day that your programme ends, you must register as a jobseeker within 60 days in order for the qualifying days to begin.

If your programme has been recalled due to specific reasons, it is not possible to return to the programme.

How to return to the programme

The earliest your programme can start again is the same day we make a plan together. You need to contact Arbetsförmedlingen yourself.

If you have been deregistered from Arbetsförmedlingen, you need to register again as a jobseeker on Arbetsförmedlingen’s website. We will then phone you within two hours in order to begin processing your case.

  • If it is after 15:00 we will phone you the next working day between 9:00 and 11:00.
  • If you are unable to answer or do not hear from us, call us on +46 771-416 416.

It is important that you answer when we phone you.

If you are still registered with Arbetsförmedlingen, you need to phone us on +46 771-416 416 in order to start the processing of your case. Tell us that your case is about a potential return to the programme.

You can receive compensation for travel expenses

If you take part in a programme or course somewhere other than where you live, you can receive payment for the cost of travel and accommodation.

Compensation for travel expenses in connection with a programme or job interview