
When you need help getting into the labour market. You can combine the introductory job with studies, which improves your own skills and meets employers' needs.


An introductory job, introduktionsjobb, is a job with a private or public employer that gives you a chance to enter the world of work. The employer who hires you will receive a contribution towards your pay.

An introductory job can be either permanent or temporary. You can also have a part-time introductory job if your ability to work is permanently impaired.

You can often combine the introductory job with training and education, such as a vocational course, upper secondary school studies in order to take the upper secondary school exam, studies in Swedish or another suitable form of supplementary training and education.

You can have an introductory job for up to 12 months. If we assess that you need continued support, the introductory job can be extended up to a maximum total of 24 months.

For whom

Introductory jobs are for those who have been unemployed for a long time or who are new arrivals in Sweden. You need to be registered as a job seeker with us. You also need to satisfy one of the following:

  • You are participating in jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin.
  • You are aged over 20 and have participated in jobbgarantin för ungdomar for at least 200 days.
  • You are a newcomer to Sweden aged over 20 and are participating in etableringsprogrammet or at some point during the past 12 months you have participated in etableringsprogrammet.
  • You are a newcomer to Sweden aged over 20 and have a current etableringsplan or have finished your etableringsplan during the last 12 months.
  • You are a newcomer to Sweden aged over 20 and during the past 36 months you have been granted a residence permit or a residence card as a family member of an EU/EEA citizen.

How it works

  • Together with you and the employer, we assess whether a workplace is suitable and what tasks are suitable for you.
  • We draw up an agreement with you and the employer and consult the union. The agreement defines what tasks you are to have and what kind of support and guidance you need. If you study in parallel with the employment, this will also be described in the agreement.
  • The employer is then responsible for ensuring that you get started and that you are given the guidance you need.


You are entitled to the pay and employment benefits that are defined in the employer's collective agreement or that are equivalent to the pay levels of the industry. However, an introductory job does not give any right to unemployment benefit.

Employment protection

You are covered by the employment protection regulated in the industry’s collective agreement, but some parts of the Employment Protection Act (LAS) do not apply to introduction jobs (Introduktionsjobb). An introduction job does not grant the right to the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa).

How to take the next step

Contact us

Prepare yourself to explain why the support could increase your job opportunities.


We review your situation together. An employment officer assesses whether the support is a good way to increase your job opportunities.


What support we can offer you depends on what your situation looks like. Who is entitled to any kind of support is ultimately regulated by the government.