EURES – European Employment Services

The European Employment Services, EURES, is a network that has existed for 30 years. Its participants cooperate to facilitate the free movement of workers in Europe.

Europakarta som visar Eures-nätverket

The network consists of the European coordination office based at the European Labour Agency ELA, the national coordinating offices and the members and partners with over 1000 EURES staff in 31 countries.

The EU’s principle of freedom of movement for workers is one of the most important rights for European citizens.

The purpose of the network is to help and support jobseekers and employers to find each other across the borders within the EU/EEA and Switzerland.

Legal Basis

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union’s regulation (EU 2016/589) provides the legal basis for the EURES network.

11(8) Template for the admittance system (

17(8) Technical standards for matching (

19(2) Classification of professions/competences (

19(5) Mapping of professions/competences (

31(5) Template for the work program (

32(3) Performance measurement system (

There is also a complementary Swedish regulation (2018:154) and a provision AFFS (AFFS 2018:4).

While previously only public employment services in Europe were members, private companies and organisations can now also be members and partners in the EURES network. An expanded network means that more companies and organisations are encouraged to work with cross-border recruitment.

The EURES National Coordination Office (NCO)

The NCO is responsible for the coordination of the EURES network in Sweden. The NCO approves, coordinates and supports members and partners in the network as well as updates the information in the EURES portal on living and working conditions in Sweden. The NCO is also responsible for the organization of and the admission to the EURES training programs, the compilation of work programs and result reports as well as the liaison with NCOs in other countries and with the European Coordination Office of EURES.

The Swedish government has nominated the Swedish Public Employment Service, Arbetsförmedlingen, to carry out the role of coordinating the EURES network in Sweden. Arbetsförmedlingen is also a member of the EURES network.

Contact the NCO by email

The European Job Mobility Portal – a meeting point for candidates and employers

The EURES portal is the hub of the EURES network. Here you will find both job vacancies and candidates from other countries. The members of the EURES network will continuously update the portal with new CVs and vacant positions.

On the EURES portal, you will also find information about the living and working conditions in all countries of the EU/EEA member states and Switzerland.

The EURES portal (