The EURES network in Sweden
The EURES network helps you become part of the common European labour market. The network is coordinated by the National Coordination Office for EURES (NCO).
Tips, inspiration and news about EURES
News from the European labour market.
This is EURES
The European Employment Services supports recruitment in the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
Members and partners in Sweden
And how they can help you with a job or recruitment in Europe.
Notable dates 2024 for coordinators of the Swedish EURES network.
Join the EURES Network
Do you want to work or recruit across the borders within Europe?
More information
Recruit in Europe
Arbetsförmedlingen Eures can help you find candidates from other European countries. (In Swedish)
EURES on social media
Follow the NCO on Linkedin for more information and news.
European and international cooperation at Arbetsförmedlingen
EU cooperation, international development cooperation and EU funds.