EU and international work
Arbetsförmedlingen cooperates within the EU and internationally in order to contribute to sustainable development of the labour market in Sweden and the countries with which we cooperate.
Partnerships and networks
Our partnerships within the EU and globally are based on
- Sweden’s membership of the EU
- The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda
- Sweden’s global development policy and the EU’s external assistance policy
- The EU’s external assistance policy.
An increasingly global and digital labour market increases the demands placed on us to, in partnership with others, contribute to sustainable development in the labour market. This is especially pertinent to the transformation of the labour force in order to meet future skills requirements. The capacity of the public employment services in the EU and the wider world is key in order to contribute to increase employment, which is vital to tackling exclusion and reducing poverty. As an EU member state, Sweden has also committed to facilitating the free movement of labour and to contributing to strengthening the common European labour market.
We endeavour to be an organisation that learns and that actively works to achieve European and global objectives. Having access to international networks forms a basis of Arbetsförmedlingen’s development and learning. This work contributes to new perspectives on the development of Arbetsförmedlingen’s assignment, activities and the goals we set.
Here you can read about some of the networks and partnerships we are involved in.
EU funds
We are an important actor in several of EU’s funds and programmes. We run and co-fund projects that are in line with our assignment and that contribute to the development of our activities.
International development cooperation
Work and employment is an effective method of combatting poverty where the public employment service plays a key role in developing a well-functioning labour market. Our cooperation with other countries is conducted in projects and shall contribute to the implementation of
- Sweden’s global development policy
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda
- Sweden’s and the EU’s external assistance policy.
Ongoing projects
We conduct international development cooperation projects within a number of areas relating to the labour market.
In these projects, we often cooperate with ministries of labour and labour market agencies at a central, regional and local level. In order for this capacity development work to achieve sustainable results, it also requires us to cooperate with several other actors.
Arbetsförmedlingen's assignment
Our job is to match those who are looking for employees with those who are looking for work as efficiently as possible. Read more about our overall goals and focus areas.