Financing studies
There are many different ways of financing your studies. Here is an overview of the most common forms of study allowance.
Find the best way for study funding
Study allowance for education at secondary and upper secondary level
An upper secondary education increases your chance of getting a job. Build further on your basic education with support from us and other government agencies.
Study allowance for education at vocational college, university college and university
Studying at university, university college or another higher education level increases your chance of getting a job. If you are a new arrival in Sweden, there are even more opportunities.
More about eduation
Labour market training programme
Vocational courses where staff are needed. For those who are registered.
Training and education paths
There are many different education and training opportunities for adults. Summary of the most common paths.
Preparatory courses at folk high school
Try studying, discover your driving forces and find the way forward to study or work.