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EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) Sweden for jobseekers
EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) Sweden makes it easier to move and work in EU.
To take part in TMS Sweden, you must first contact a EURES Adviser to get mobility services such as:
- Job search help.
- Job matching and contact with potential employers.
- Preparation for job interview, taking up a job abroad etc.
- Information on labour market and living conditions in various EU countries.
- Information about TMS Sweden and its conditions.
Contact information for EURES Advisers from all EU/EEA countries can be found on the EURES portal via Search for EURES Advisers (europa.eu).
Based on certain conditions you can apply for financial support as a contribution to your costs connected to a job interview, relocation to a new country of work, language training, recognition of qualifications.
TMS Sweden will verify all information provided, and both EURES adviser involved and recruiting employer will be contacted during the application process. No financial support can be granted until we received written answers from both EURES adviser and employer.
Please note there is no legal entitlement to funding. Applications can be rejected if the eligibility criteria are not met.
Conditions and eligibility criteria
Basic conditions for jobseekers
- 18 years or older.
- Citizen and resident of an EU country, Norway, or Iceland.
- Or EU long-term resident in an EU country, Norway, or Iceland (to be eligible, third-country nationals must have lived in the EU country where they apply for an uninterrupted period of five years and fulfill some further requirements, as defined in Directive 2003/109/EC).
- Looking for work in other country than country of residence (must be a change of country of residence).
- Be in contact with a EURES Adviser and receive mobility services.
- Not be moving back to work in country of origin, or country where you have previously, at some point, been resident, i.e., lived/studied/worked, so called return mobility.
Eligible work placements
- Minimum 6 months employment (3-6 months for traineeships).
- Working hours must be at least 50 percent of full-time work.
- Must be advertised as a job vacancy, published and open to several workers to apply for (transparency).
- Must comply with national labour and social protection laws and ensure fair wages and work conditions, such as collective agreements or minimum wage.
- Must ensure a salary and a written contract specifying the duration of the employment, working time, rights and obligations, remuneration and social security provisions.
- Can also be a work-based traineeship.
(Traineeships under TMS Sweden should comply with the European Quality Framework for Traineeships (QFT) and be managed by the project partners: Allianssi Youth Exchanges, Better Business international (BBi) or IFOA. Please contact one of them for more information about traineeship opportunities.)
Non-eligible work placements
- Placements with European institutions and bodies and other international policy, economic, social, and scientific organisations as well as supra-national regulatory bodies and their agencies. Applies also to EEA networks, platforms, lobbies, or other similar organisations when their budget resources depend exclusively or mainly on EU funding.
- Placements within sales and telemarketing, businesses with high staff turnover or with one or more days of unpaid trial work/training before employment or which offers only commission with no fixed wages.
- Placements with employment in one country and actual work in another country (so called posted worker).
- Work-based training offers whose completion is a mandatory requirement to access a profession in specific sectors (e.g. medicine, architecture, law, aircraft industry, etc.).
- Free-lance or self-employed.
- Internships and apprenticeships.
- Babysitter, au pair or nanny.
Job interview allowance
You can apply to receive financial support to travel for a job interview if an employer in another EU country, Norway or Iceland invites you. You can also apply for an interview trip within your country of residence, if it is a recruitment towards a job in another EU country, Norway, or Iceland.
The allowance is a contribution towards travel and accommodation costs depending on the distance (min. 50 km) from EUR 110-385, as well as a daily subsistence allowance of up to EUR 55 per day to cover meals, local transport, telecommunications, and other sundries. If the actual costs are substantially lower than the allowance, it may be reduced accordingly.
Generally, you can only receive financial support for one interview trip. If deemed necessary, a second interview trip to the same employer may be authorized for short-listed candidates.
Specific conditions for job interview
- Apply for the financial support well in advance, latest one day before the date of the job interview. You cannot apply retroactively.
- Not already receive financial support towards the costs of the job interview (paid travel, accommodation, meals, local transport) from the employer or other company/actor.
- See also basic conditions and eligible/non-eligible work placements under Conditions and eligibility criteria.
Only the application form itself must be submitted in advance; supplementary documents can be sent afterwards but should be sent as soon as possible.
See specific instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Interview allowance application Pdf, 740 kB. (Pdf, 740 kB) (Pdf, 554 kB)
See also the Confirmation of attendance form which you need to bring with you to the interview. Ask the interviewing employer to fill in and sign the form.
Confirmation of attendance job interview Pdf, 526 kB. (Pdf, 526 kB)
Relocation allowance
You can apply for financial support for relocation if you have been offered a job in another EU country, Norway, or Iceland than the one where you are resident.
The relocation allowance is a contribution towards costs incurred with moving to the country of destination such as transport, travel insurance, accommodation, meals, and other costs.
The support is a flat rate, according to country of destination from EUR 770-1540. It is paid only once, after you have relocated and started your new job.
Specific conditions for relocation
- Apply for financial support well in advance, latest one day before leaving your country of residence and before the starting date of your new job.
- It cannot be applied for retroactively, i.e., after you have already travelled to your new country of residence.
- Receive an initial employment contract for at least 6 consecutive months from the company stated on the application form. You are expected to stay employed with the same company for at least 6 months.
- Not receive paid travel nor accommodation from the employer or other company/actor. But it is possible to choose not to accept support from the employer or other company/actor and apply for allowance from TMS Sweden instead.
- Cross-border commuters (i.e. frontier workers) are excluded.
- The country you are relocating to must be the country where you will be employed.
Please note that you may be obliged to reimburse the received allowance if you do not start your new job, or if you leave your job before 6 months. This is in case you do not have duly motivated and lawful reasons to do so. If that happens, please inform TMS Sweden immediately.
Only the application form itself must be submitted in advance; supplementary documents can be sent afterwards but should be sent as soon as possible.
See instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Relocation allowance application Pdf, 924 kB. (Pdf, 924 kB)
Family allowance
When you have been offered a job and applied for a relocation allowance through TMS Sweden, you can also apply for financial support for your spouse and dependent children, if they are relocating and settling with you in the country of destination.
You need to provide proof of residency for all relocating family members, both in country of residence before relocation as well as in country of destination.
The financial support is a flat rate per family according to country of destination from EUR 770-1540.
Specific conditions for family
- Applied for relocation allowance through TMS Sweden and informed about your intention to apply for family allowance.
- Apply well in advance, latest one day before the family travels from country of origin.
- Cannot be applied for retroactively, i.e., cannot apply after the family have travelled to the new country of destination.
- Not receive paid travel nor accommodation for the family from employer or other company/actor.
Only the application form itself must be submitted in advance; supplementary documents can be sent afterwards but should be sent as soon as possible.
See instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Family allowance application Pdf, 649 kB. (Pdf, 649 kB)
Language training
Recruited or pre-selected
If you are recruited or pre-selected for a job in another EU country, Norway, or Iceland, you may be eligible to apply for financial support if you have a need to attend a shorter language course to facilitate your job in the new country. In connection to your recruitment, you must send a written justification from your employer showing the need for a language course to facilitate your job in the new country.
Not recruited nor pre-selected
If you are not yet recruited nor pre-selected for a job, you need to have a strong motivation and good chances of finding a job within sectors of hard to fill vacancies, receive help from EURES to find a job and be able and ready to take up a job in a near future. You must send a written justification from your EURES Adviser involved with the job search in another EU country showing your need to attend a language course.
Criteria for language courses
- May take place in your country of residence before your relocation.
- May take place in your country of destination but must start within two months after taking up duty.
- Must be short and intensive, max 8-12 weeks.
- Must offer good learning to reasonable costs, i.e., provide good value.
- You are not already receiving a language course paid for by the employer or other company/actor.
The financial support consists of reimbursement of actual declared costs up to max. EUR 2 200 per jobseeker. Expensive course costs must be well motivated. Reimbursement after completion of the course and presentation of documentary evidence such as course certificate, invoice(s) and receipt(s).
An advance payment of 50 percent of the total amount may in some cases be applied for. The balance will be paid after completion of the course. If the course is not completed, you will have to reimburse any advance payment.
TMS Sweden needs to authorize your application before the start of the course. You may be requested to find another language course provider if the language course offer sent cannot be validated by TMS Sweden. Lessons taken prior to the written approval, might not be reimbursed.
The complete language course application including course offer must be sent well in advance, at least 3 weeks before course start.
See instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Language course allowance application Pdf, 699 kB. (Pdf, 699 kB)
Recognition of qualifications
If you are recruited, or short-listed/pre-selected for a job in another EU country, Norway or Iceland and you have a need to have your academic and/or professional qualifications recognised in the new country of work, you may qualify for financial support towards the costs incurred with proceedings. This to perform your duties and be in conformity with legal requirements of the country of destination.
Payment of financial support may be claimed, flat rate of max EUR 440, after submission of the recognition request to the competent clarification body in the new country of work.
- To apply, an official recognition process must have been initiated.
- It is not possible to claim reimbursement for certified copies and/or translations if there is no official recognition process.
- You are not already receiving recognition of qualifications paid for by your employer or other company/actor.
See instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Recognition allowance application Pdf, 793 kB. (Pdf, 793 kB)
Supplementary trip allowance
This allowance can help you cope with extraordinary expenses when travelling/moving to another EU country, Norway, or Iceland.
Reimbursement of the excess costs based on documentary evidence such as receipts, up to max EUR 550.
- You must have been granted an interview and/or a relocation allowance through TMS Sweden, and the costs of travelling to the new country exceed the allowance already granted.
- You have special needs:
- The allowance could contribute to cover extra costs for transportation of a wheelchair, guide-dog, travel cost of accompaniment or other well justified needs.
- You are facing temporary economic difficulties due to disadvantaged social/economic/educational background.
The allowance can contribute to cover high travel and/or settlement costs during the first month in the country of destination or other well justified needs. - Significant geographical distance between your country of residence and your country of destination (i.e. the outermost regions/peripheral regions of Europe or regions located in opposite peripheral areas in EEA).
The allowance can contribute to reduce long-haul travel costs.
See instructions and checklist in the application form below.
Supplementary trip allowance application Pdf, 681 kB. (Pdf, 681 kB)

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