Bidrag till hjälpmedel på arbetsplatsen

You can receive a financial grant from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) if you need assistive devices to carry out your work tasks. The grant is for people with disabilities that affect them at work. We will determine whether you are entitled to the grant and which assistive devices would best help you.

What is the grant for assistive devices at the workplace?

You may be entitled to a grant to buy, rent, or repair assistive devices to help you at work. This could be a particular tool, a reader pen that reads text out loud, or special software. The purpose of the grant is to improve your opportunities to obtain or keep a job.

Who is eligible for the grant for assistive devices?

You may be entitled to the grant if you have a disability that could affect your ability to work and you need an assistive device to be able to do your job. You could be an employee or an entrepreneur, or need help to participate in our programmes or measures while you look for work. You might also receive the grant if you are participating in workplace-based learning (arbetsplatsförlagt lärande) at a school and need an assistive device to make it easier to transition to work.

Your employer may also receive a grant for assistive devices, or to modify the tools or workplace to suit you.

Grant for assistive devices at the workplace for employers

You are eligible to receive a grant during your first 12 months as an employee or of running your business. If you have worked for longer than 12 months, you may receive a grant for assistive devices from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) instead.

Grant for assistive devices from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (

Are you an employee with a wage subsidy or public sheltered employment (skyddat arbete hos en offentlig arbetsgivare)? Then you are also eligible to receive a grant after 12 months of employment.

Public sheltered employment

Wage subsidy

How much is the grant?

You can receive a grant of up to SEK 100,000 per year. In the event of extraordinary reasons, you may be able to receive more. Your employer can also receive a grant of up to SEK 100,000 per year.

Here is how it works:

1. Register (Skriv in dig)

Sign up with the Public Employment Service if you have not yet done so. This is necessary for us to see if you are eligible for the grant. You need to sign up even if you already have a job and are not looking for a new one.


2. Contact us

If you have already signed up, you can contact us immediately and tell us about your needs. We need to know how your disability affects you while applying for work, preparing for working life, or while working.

Contact us

3. We will assess your needs

The Public Employment Service will conduct an evaluation together with you to understand your needs and what devices would help you in your work.

4. The Public Employment Service makes a decision

We check that the conditions for the grant have been met and then we make a decision. The decision is then sent to your home via post, or to your digital mailbox.

5. If you are entitled to the grant, you get assistive devices

If the grant is approved, the Public Employment Service can help you order and pay for your assistive devices. They will be delivered to you or to your workplace. You can also order and pay for them yourself, and we will reimburse you. You will receive information with the decision about what to do to obtain this money.

Important information about the grant for assistive devices at the workplace

  • You own and are responsible for the device when you receive a grant to purchase it. Do obtain insurance coverage if necessary. If you change workplaces, you can keep the device and use it at your new workplace.
  • If something that could impact your right to the grant changes, you are obliged to notify us.
  • If you have given us information that is untrue, or if you use the assistive device in a way other than as agreed, you may need to pay back the grant.