General training and education
Most jobs require you to have a basic education. Build on your expertise within the framework of our various kinds of support and programmes.
Studiemotiverande kurs på folkhögskola
Try studying, discover your own driving forces and find your way forward to study or work. With activities for finding motivation, training in study techniques and with the focus on the core subjects, you will be better equipped to continue studying. This will improve your chances of getting a job.
Studiestöd för utbildning på grundskole- och gymnasienivå
Having an upper-secondary education increases your chances of getting a job. Build on your basic education with support from us and other government agencies.
Studiestöd för utbildning på yrkeshögskola, högskola och universitet
To increase your chances of getting a job you can extend your competence with studies at university, university college or post upper secondary level. If you are new to Sweden and have a trade or profession where there is a great need for people there are even more opportunities.