
If you have been unemployed for a long time or been away from working life, because of illness for example, a new start job gives you a chance to start again.

What are new start jobs?

With a new start job, nystartsjobb, if you have been away from working life for a long time you have a chance to come back again. The employer who hires you will receive a contribution towards your pay. An new start job can be either permanent or temporary and either full or part-time.

Who can get a new start job?

New start jobs are for people who have been absent from working life for a long time or are not yet integrated into the labour market.

You have turned 25, are unemployed and for at least 12 of the last 15 months and:

  • been unemployed and registered as a jobseeker with us or participated in a arbetsmarknadspolitiskt program
  • received sjukpenning, rehabiliteringspenning, sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning
  • received försörjningsstöd or financial assistance from the municipality and at the same time been unemployed.

You have turned 20 but not 25, are unemployed and for at least 6 of the last 9 months and:

  • been unemployed and registered as a jobseeker with us or participated in a arbetsmarknadspolitiskt program
  • received sjukpenning, rehabiliteringspenning, sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning
  • received försörjningsstöd or financial assistance from the municipality and at the same time been unemployed.

It is also possible to get a new start job if you have turned 20 and:

  • are participating in etableringsprogrammet
  • in the past 36 months have received a residence permit or residence card as a family member of an EU/EEA citizen, are unemployed and have been unemployed, receiving sickness benefit or maintenance support for at least six of the last nine months
  • are participating in the jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin
  • have been sentenced to at least one year of imprisonment and have been granted temporary release from prison or have been released on parole without having completed one year of the parole period.

Test whether you meet the requirements for a new start job

Based on your responses in the test you will get an automated indication as to whether you meet the requirements for new start jobs. Please note that it is only an indication and not a promise. The final assessment of whether you are entitled to support is made by an employment officer.

The test is in Swedish and takes about a minute. The number of questions differs depending on how you respond, but there are a maximum of eight. The test is completely anonymous and Arbetsförmedlingen does not store any data about you when you use it.

Är du över 25 år?

Ja Nej
Du glömde att välja Ja eller Nej.
Tillbaka till föregående fråga Stäng utan att spara

Anledning, villkor som uppfylls

Nystartsjobb är ett ekonomiskt stöd till arbetsgivaren

Ersättningen motsvarar minst en arbetsgivaravgift för den del av månadslönen som är upp till 20 000 kronor vid heltidsarbete. Ersättningen erhålls via en kreditering av företagets skattekonto.

Gör om testet

Anledning, villkor som inte uppfylls

Gör om testet

How it works

If you meet any of the conditions and wish to be employed in a new start job, this is what you do:

1. Find an employer who wants to hire you for a new start job (nystartsjobb). The Job Bank (Platsbanken) has job openings in which employers have marked that it is an asset if you meet the requirements for a new start job.

Search for jobs in the Job Bank (in Swedish)

2. Ask the employer to submit an application to us.

Information for employers about new start jobs (in Swedish)

3. Once we have received the employer’s application you receive an e-mail or text message from us about logging into My Pages and answering some questions about your absence from working life. Your answers form the basis of our decision whether you meet the requirements for a new start job.

4. We decide whether the employer is granted a new start job for the employment.


You are entitled to the salary that is stated in the employer’s collective bargaining agreement. If the employer has not signed a collective bargaining agreement, you will nevertheless have a salary that is equivalent to what is stated in the collective bargaining agreement.

Employment protection

An employment position with a “new start job” (nystartsjobb) is encompassed within by the Employment Protection Act (LAS). If the employer has signed a collective bargaining agreement, it may have been agreed that certain parts of the Employment Protection Act do not apply.