How to fill in the form for a new start job

When the employer has submitted their application for a New Start job for you, a form will appear under My Pages which you need to fill in.

In the form, you will answer questions about the time you have been absent from working life. If you have been away from the labour market for a long time, there is a greater chance you can get a New Start job.

We need your answers in order to assess whether you meet the conditions for getting a New Start job under the regulation (2018:43) on support for New Start jobs. Your answers will only be visible to us at Arbetsförmedlingen. Nothing will be shown to your employer.

More information about the conditions for New Start jobs can be found in the paragraph “For whom?”

How long do we save your personal data?

Data on job-seekers in a labour market policy database must be sorted out no later than three years after the end of the year during which the processing of the data linked to a case at Arbetsförmedlingen was completed.

How we process your personal data (in Swedish)

How to fill in the form

1. Have you worked or studied in the last five years? You can choose both work and studies.

If you have worked

Fill in the periods in which you have worked over the last five years.

State whether you worked to a varying extent or to the same extent during the period.

If you worked to the same extent, you have to state how many per cent you worked during the chosen period of time. For example, if you worked full time you enter 100%.

If you have studied

Fill in the periods in which you have studied and state what you studied.

Choose whether you studied at an adult education college, in municipal adult education, at a higher vocational education college or at university.

Choose Swedish for immigrants (SFI) if you have studied the Swedish language and society.

Choose training via Arbetsförmedlingen if you have received a decision from Arbetsförmedlingen granting you a vocational qualification.

You can fill in that you have both worked and studied by adding additional periods.

If you have worked or studied during the period, your opportunities for a new start job will be affected.

2. Have you received sickness benefit during the last five years?

Sickness benefit is compensation paid from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Send or submit a certificate to the Swedish Public Employment Service showing the dates on which you received sickness benefit from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. The fact that you have received sickness benefit will affect your chances of a new start job.

3. Have you received rehabilitation allowance in the last five years?

Rehabilitation allowance is compensation paid from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Send or submit a certificate to the Swedish Public Employment Service from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency showing the dates on which you received rehabilitation allowance. Rehabilitation allowance will affect your chances of a new start job.

4. Have you received sickness allowance during the last five years?

Sickness allowance is compensation paid from the Social Insurance Agency. Send or submit a certificate to the Swedish Public Employment Service from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency showing the dates on which you received sickness allowance. Sickness allowance will affect your chances of a new start job.

5. Have you received activity allowance during the last five years?

Activity allowance is compensation paid from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Send or submit a certificate to the Public Employment Service from the Social Insurance Agency showing the dates on which you received activity allowance. Activity allowance will affect your chances of a new start job.

6. Have you received financial assistance during the last five years?

Financial assistance, also referred to as social assistance/income maintenance, is compensation from your municipality. Send or submit a certificate to the Swedish Public Employment Service from your municipality showing the dates on which you received financial assistance. Financial assistance will affect your chances of a new start job.

7. Have you had protected work during the last five years?

A protected job is an adapted job with the municipality in which the employer receives compensation for your employment. Send or submit a certificate to the Swedish Public Employment Service from your municipality showing the dates on which you had a protected job. Protected work will affect your chances of a new start job.

8. Have you received a residence permit during the last five years?

You receive a residence permit from the Swedish Migration Board to enable you to stay and work in Sweden. Send or submit a copy of the decision letter to the Swedish Public Employment Service from the Swedish Migration Board showing the classification code and date on which the decision was made. Certain classification codes will affect your chances of a new start job.

9. Have you been home with a child/children during the last five years?

Fill in the start and end dates if

  • you have been on parental leave with a child under the age of two, with or without compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Obtain a certificate from, for example, the Swedish Tax Agency showing the age of the child. The Swedish Employment Service will check your information that the child was under two years of age during your parental leave.
  • you have been on parental leave with a child who was adopted and if you have been
    on parental leave within two years of the child’s arrival. Obtain a certificate showing when the child came to you. The Swedish Employment Service will check your information that your parental leave took place within two years of the child coming to you.
  • you have been at home caring for a sick child. Obtain a certificate from, for example, the Swedish Tax Agency showing the age of the child. If you have been at home with a child who was under the age of two, that time can be ignored. This means that you discount this time when adding up your total absence from the labour market. It is important to fill in this time because your total valid absence must be continuous in order for you to be eligible for a new start job.