National cooperation

Arbetsförmedlingen is actively involved in a range of partnerships in order to contribute to sustainable development of the labour market in Sweden and of society as a whole.

Government agency cooperation

We cooperate with other government agencies in order to achieve common goals. Often there are assignments from the Government that require government agencies to cooperate. One of the government agencies is given the responsibility for coordinating the partnership.

Ongoing partnerships

Eight authorities work together to offer coordinated support in skills provision and lifelong learning.

In the cooperation of authorities in competence provision, the authorities Arbetsförmedlingen, Svenska ESF-rådet, Skolverket, Universitetskanslersämbetet, Universitets- och högskolerådet, Folkbildningsrådet, Tillväxtverket and Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan are included.

Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan has material that gives an overview of which authority does what in the area. There you will also find links that you can use to find the right paths to the right support.

Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan (in Swedish)

The National Government Service Centre is a government agency that works with efficient public administration. Through these, citizens have one single route to access services from several government agencies.

At service centres around the country, we cooperate with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan), the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten) and the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). Our customers can get help with matters such as

  • registration
  • using our services online
  • reporting activities.

National Government Service Centres (in Swedish, use Google translate)

We cooperate and work operationally together with seven other government agencies in order to tackle cheating, rule violations and crime in working life. The focus is on high-risk industries that have been identified.

In addition to us, the following government agencies participate:

  • The Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket)
  • The Swedish Economic Crime Authority (Ekobrottsmyndigheten)
  • The Swedish Social Insurance Agency
  • The Swedish Gender Equality Agency (Jämställdhetsmyndigheten)
  • The Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket)
  • The Swedish Police Authority (Polismyndigheten)
  • The Swedish Tax Agency

Together with twelve government agencies, we work to tackle organised crime effectively and relentlessly. The Government has given us this assignment and it is a part of our work to prevent erroneous payments and tackle benefit fraud.

Section 4 of the Ordinace with instructions for Arbetsförmedlingen (2007:1030) (in Swedish)

In addition to us, the following government agencies participate:

  • The Swedish Economic Crime Authority
  • The Swedish Social Insurance Agency
  • The Swedish Prison and Probation Service
  • The Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogdemyndigheten)
  • The Swedish Coast Guard (Kustbevakningen)
  • The Swedish Migration Agency
  • The Swedish Police Authority
  • The Swedish Tax Agency
  • The Swedish Security Service (Säkerhetspolisen)
  • Swedish Customs (Tullverket)
  • The Swedish Prosecution Authority (Åklagarmyndigheten
  • Swedish Payments Agency (Utbetalningsmyndigheten)

The Social Insurance Agency has initiated cooperation between government agencies in order to tackle abuse and crime in the welfare systems. The objective is close, structured and long-term cooperation between the government agencies in order to prevent payments being made on erroneous grounds.

This long-term cooperation takes place in five working groups that have the following focus areas:

  • The Act on the Obligation to Report
  • information exchange
  • joint risk analysis
  • attitudes and social norms
  • coherent identity management.

Victims of violence often suffer serious ill health as well as loss of work and income. That is one of the reasons why the Government has tasked Arbetsförmedlingen, the Social Insurance Agency, the Migration Agency, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Gender Equality Agency with cooperating on issues relating to increased detection of violence. Nationella nätverket för samordningsförbund (NNS, the National Network for Coordination Associations) is included in the same government assignment and coordinates the project Stoppa våldet (Stop the violence).

For our part it involves us being better at detecting customers who have experience of domestic violence, if it could be a hidden cause of ill health and unemployment. We are also to know where to refer those who are victims to violence so they can get help.

Are you a victim of domestic violence? (in Swedish, use Google translate)

Together with other government agencies, we have been tasked by Government with improving the situation of Roma in Sweden. The goal is for a Roma who turns 20 in 2032 to have equal opportunities to a non-Roma.

We are responsible for improving conditions for Roma in the labour market. We work to give women equal opportunities to utilise our programmes, ensure that we have the requisite knowledge about Roma as a national minority and consult with Roma representatives and experts.

About our assignment on the Government website (in Swedish)

We report on our work to the County Administrative Board in Stockholm and to the Government Offices of Sweden. You can find reports on assignments from appropriation directions on the page Governance and results.

Governance and results

In addition to Roma, there are another four recognised national minorities. As a government agency, we are to contribute to protecting and promoting the languages and cultures of the national minorities.

National minorities (in Swedish)

The Swedish Public Employment Service is tasked with cooperating with several different authorities, including the Correctional Service (Kriminalvården). In the instructions to Arbetsförmedlingen (Ordinance 2022:811) it is stated that Arbetsförmedlingen must cooperate with the Correctional Service in order to strengthen the opportunities to get and keep a job for jobseekers in the correctional service.

The collaboration means that Arbetsförmedlingen has special handlers who work with the Correctional Service's institutions and parole offices. The Swedish Public Employment Service also procures training courses that are conducted at some of the institutions.

Krami is a partnership between the Prison and Probation Service, Arbetsförmedlingen and municipalities. Together, Krami offers personal support and guidance to people who want to enter the labour market while being given the opportunity to change their lifestyle.

Krami targets those who have a background in crime, substance abuse and unemployment or who are in a criminal environment and are ready for a change. The participants receive support to improve their job-seeking and may also be able to participate in social activities arranged by Krami. The staff at Krami offer long-term follow-up in the workplace that is planned individually for each participant.

When an employer is interested in employing a participant, this is preceded by tripartite meetings involving Krami staff, the participant and the employer. It may be possible to use one of Arbetsförmedlingen’s financial support measures for employment.

The goal is for the participants to be self-supporting either through work or studies. (in Swedish)

GD-forum is a platform for cooperation between government agencies on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda. Within GD-forum, Swedish government agencies cooperate and work together in order to achieve the goals of the agenda.

Our work with the 2030 Agenda (in Swedish)

About GD-forum on the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) website (in Swedish)

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges kommuner och regioner)

We have a long-standing, well-developed partnership with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. This creates the conditions for a well-functioning labour market at a regional and local level. The scope of the cooperation is governed by national policy and has varied over the years. We cooperate on political assignments that involve

  • the labour market
  • social services
  • functional impairments
  • education
  • growth.

Our cooperation with municipalities and regions is an important way of working towards providing equivalent service throughout the country.

Focus areas

There are areas that are of particularly great value for our cooperation with municipalities.

  • Skills provision in municipalities, county councils and regions. Well-organised cooperation is important in order to meet the major recruitment needs for jobs within the welfare sector and to tackle labour shortages.
  • People with a special need for support when wanting to start studying or find work. Often there is a need for joint programmes from Arbetsförmedlingen, the municipality and the healthcare system.

Greater societal benefit through local agreements

Our collaboration with municipalities should be organised on the basis of local agreements that our units enter into with the municipality. The local agreement should include shared goals and a description of how the parties are to cooperate. The purpose of written agreements is to create predictability, clarity and cooperation that is sustainable in the long term.

International and European cooperation

Arbetsförmedlingen cooperates within the EU and internationally in order to contribute to sustainable development of the labour market in Sweden and the countries with which we cooperate.

International and European cooperation