Give us your suggestions and feedback

Feedback about our activities

Here you can leave your opinion on our service, how you have been treated or how we handled your case. Help us improve our activities.

Feedback about out providers

Here you can leave your opinion on our providers of procured employment services, including labor market training.

Feedback about digital accessibility

Here you can let us know if you find shortcomings or want to give feedback on our digital availability. Our website must be usable by everyone, regardless of need, disability or which technical aids you use.

Report suspected benefit fraud

Here, as a private person or employer, you can let us know when you suspect that an employer is cheating with the benefit from us.

Employer - report disingenous applicants

If you are an employer and suspect that a jobseeker has no intentions to work, or if there is something else you think we should know, you can notify us here.

Tell us about suspected serious shortcomings, offences or irregularities

Here, private persons, employers or others can let us know when they suspect more serious deficiencies, crimes or irregularities connected to our operations or personnel.


The whistleblower function is available to those who work at Arbetsförmedlingen or have another connection to our authority. Employees, future employees, former employees, interns and consultants at Arbetsförmedliingen can file a whistle-blowing.

Whistleblower function