Guidance material for educators, study counsellors and vocational guidance counsellors
What do school pupils know about the labour market and choosing an occupation? Far too little, as they say in various surveys. With this material, you can increase young people’s knowledge about the labour market, occupations and studies.

The content of the guidance material is primarily aimed at pupils in secondary and upper secondary school, but it can of course also be used for adults who need guidance. With links to statistics, facts, interviews, lists, films, tests, discussion questions and information, the pupils can analyse and formulate their ambitions, knowledge and skills. And find out for themselves the route they want to take. We also present what Arbetsförmedlingen does and tell them about the working world.
How to use the material
Each section is a PowerPoint presentation with pictures. The pictures act as visual support to the content of the notes field for each slide. You can use the material with a whole class, in smaller groups or with individual pupils/participants.
Each chapter has a task and one or more discussion questions. The idea is to activate pupils/participants, inspire thoughts and provide space for individual reflection. To get the most out of the content in the presentation, the educator, supervisor, study counsellor or vocational guidance counsellor should guide the pupils/participants through the presentation with the aid of the script in the notes field.
Each chapter should take about 40 minutes to go through.
At the bottom of each section description below you will find a link to the presentation. When you click on the link, you download a PowerPoint presentation. In some cases, your browser will be set to open it directly in the browser. You can then right-click the link and select to save the file on your computer, if this is your preference. When you want to present the section to a class/participant, go to the slideshow mode. Test it in advance and make sure that you have access to the notes area, because this is where the script is. It is also a good idea to run through the presentation on your own before presenting it to others, so that you are prepared for what it contains.
Good luck!
All chapters and links to presentations
Do you have any questions or views about the material?