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What is Prepare and match?

Did you know that 'Prepare and match' is not a part of Arbetsförmedlingen? These are private companies that help you find a job or education more quickly. In today's episode, we explain how it works and how you can use this support to reach your goals.


Jimmy Bysell: Did you know that a lot of people think Arbetsförmedlingen and Prepare and Match are the same thing? In reality, Prepare and Match actually consists of private companies that help you find a job or education faster. In today's episode, we will explain how Prepare and Match works and how you can use it to get your dream job.


Jimmy: Hi and welcome to the New in Sweden Podcast. My name is Jimmy, and with me is my colleague Pär. How are you, Pär?

Pär Axelsson: Hi, Jimmy! I’m good, thanks. I look forward to discussing today’s topic.

Jimmy: In today’s episode we’re discussing Prepare and Match – a support system that can help you get a job or start studying faster. A lot of people think it’s part of Arbetsförmedlingen, but it’s actually not. Today, we’ll explain what Prepare and Match is and how it can help you. Pär, what is the most common misunderstanding about Prepare and Match?

Pär: Many think it’s part of Arbetsförmedlingen, but it actually consists of private companies, that we call providers, that work together with Arbetsförmedlingen to help job seekers.

Jimmy: Okay. I often hear that people think they are getting help from Arbetsförmedlingen, when they are actually getting help from a provider through Prepare and Match. For example, a friend of mine fell ill and only informed her coach at Prepare and Match.

She then found out that she missed out on her compensation because she hadn’t informed Arbetsförmedlingen as well.

Pär: How unfortunate. It’s important to understand that, although Prepare and Match providers are commissioned by Arbetsförmedlingen to help job seekers find a job or start studying, they are not part of Arbetsförmedlingen. They help job seekers with things that Arbetsförmedlingen doesn’t have enough resources for.

Jimmy: And what kind of help can you get from a Prepare and Match provider?

Pär: You can get help with writing your CV and cover letter, searching for jobs, getting in contact with employers, and finding suitable internships. They can also help you find education if you want to study.

Jimmy: Do you have any other examples of what kind of help you can receive through Prepare and Match?

Pär: Absolutely. If you’re new in Sweden, the coaches can give you advice and information to help you understand what it’s like to work here.

Jimmy: And it’s not just for those who are new in Sweden. Others can also receive help from Prepare and Match.

Pär: Yes, that’s right. Whether you are new in Sweden or have been here for a while, Prepare and Match can help you with everything you need to find a job or start studying.

Jimmy: Another important thing is that they can provide support in different languages. So, if you don’t speak Swedish very well, you can receive help in your own language.

Pär: Yes, that can be very helpful. But keep in mind that you must be active in your job search. The providers can help you, but you need to actively participate in the job search activities. Prepare and Match does not hand out jobs to its participants. You need to find your job yourself, with the help of your coach.

Jimmy: What if you’re not satisfied with your provider?

Pär: If you’re not satisfied, you can change providers. Just choose a new provider and contact Arbetsförmedlingen to inform us that you want to switch providers. There are several to choose from, so it’s a good idea to compare and see which one suits you best.

Jimmy: That’s good to know. Another important thing to remember is that even if you receive help from Prepare and Match, you still need to submit your activity report to Arbetsförmedlingen, and inform us if you or your child falls ill or if you can’t participate in an activity.

Pär: Yes. And don’t forget to also inform your coach at Prepare and Match about this.

Jimmy: So, you need to inform both Arbetsförmedlingen and your coach at Prepare and Match.

Pär: Yes. Jimmy, we’ve covered a lot of important information. Could you give us a short summary?

Jimmy: Of course. Here’s what we’ve covered in today’s episode:

1. Prepare and Match providers work with Arbetsförmedlingen to help you find a job or start studying.

2. They can help you with writing CVs and cover letters, job searching, getting in contact with companies, and finding internships and education. They also offer support in different languages.

3. You need to be active and take responsibility for your own job search. The providers can help you and guide you, but you need to be active yourself.

Pär: Thank you for listening to today’s episode. We hope you have a clearer picture of what Prepare and Match is and how it can help you in your job search.

Jimmy: If you have any questions or suggestions for topics we should cover in future episodes, contact us via our website or social media. And if you like our podcast, please share it with your friends and leave a review.

Pär: We’ll see you in the next episode. Take care.

Jimmy: Goodbye.

Pär: Goodbye.