Medical statement

If a jobseeker requires more in-depth support, Arbetsförmedlingen needs to have a medical statement from a doctor or other professional in your healthcare unit. As a healthcare provider, you can receive compensation when you issue a medical statement.

Arbetsförmedlingen needs a medical statement so as to be able to:

  • investigate and assess whether the jobseeker has a disability that reduces the ability to work;
  • assess whether we need to adapt a programme or the support currently being provided;
  • offer appropriate investigation, guidance, rehabilitation or employment preparation support.

Form for medical statement

Answer the questions in the statement on the screen to gain access to all the questions on the form.

Form for medical statement (in Swedish) Pdf, 936 kB.

Frequently asked questions

What happens when we make a request?

Arbetsförmedlingen always draws up a request together with the jobseeker. Therefore, it is important that the jobseeker has consented to us making a request. We describe the purpose of the request and the background to why we need it. It also states how the jobseeker is doing at the time. We also write what help we wish to give the jobseeker.

We then send the request to the healthcare provider the jobseeker states that they have been in contact with regarding their ill health or disability so as to be able to provide the right support.

Copy of Arbetsförmedlingen´s request with accompanying letter (in Swedish) Pdf, 451 kB.

Copy of the consent that Arbetsförmedlingen asks the jobseeker to sign (in Swedish) Pdf, 68 kB.

Where do you send the statement?

When you have issued a medical statement, you need to print it out and sign it. Then send it to Arbetsförmedlingen at the address given on the request.

Who can issue a medical statement?

A medical statement does not have to be issued by a doctor; it can be issued by another professional in your unit. You decide what is most suitable yourself.

What applies to compensation and invoicing?

Arbetsförmedlingen pays compensation to healthcare providers for issuing the statement. It is the actual costs that the healthcare service has had for the work on the medical statement, based on Arbetsförmedlingen’s request for a medical statement, that can be reimbursed. Arbetsförmedlingen also compensates for any patient charges (Regulation (2017:819) regarding compensation to participants in labour market policy programmes, chapter 3 section 9). This means that the patient does not pay for any costs.

Specify on the invoice what the costs consist of, for example time taken to issue the statement and on the patient’s visit. It is important that the amount of VAT is stated on the invoice, since the service is subject to VAT (25%). State the cost centre and case number as a reference. Payment terms: 30 days from date of receipt. We do not accept shipping, invoicing or similar charges.

If you issue a medical statement and wish to receive compensation, you must have F-tax.

In the first instance, Arbetsförmedlingen handles invoices electronically (e-invoices, not PDF).

About electronic invoices (in Swedish)

If you have invoice questions, you can contact the Finance Department on Monday - Friday, 09:00-12:00 on 0771-60 00 00, select 3 -> 2 -> 1-> 2.

If for some reason you are unable to send your invoice electronically or via the Supplier Portal, you may send a printed invoice to:

681 85 Kristinehamn

How is the statement handled?

The healthcare provider should be able to respond to the statement electronically and it can also be found on 1177/e-services (My Certificates). Arbetsförmedlingen should also be able to send the request to the healthcare unit electronically. Arbetsförmedlingen is looking at the possibilities for clarification on compensation to healthcare providers and the procedures for invoicing.

SKR also has information on its website: - New certificates/medical data (in Swedish)