13 februari 10:00
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Relocating for Jobs in Northern Sweden

In northern Sweden, many job opportunities await. Right now, significant investments are being made in the green economy in Norrland, leading to numerous job openings. These are regular jobs, not just ones that require extensive education. If you want to create a good balance between work and leisure, then working and living in Norrland might be for you. In this section, we will tell you about the career that awaits you in the north.


Ziza Madani:
Did you know that there are plenty of job opportunities in Northern Sweden? It’s all thanks to several companies that are investing in the so-called green economy, and it’s a golden opportunity for you job seekers out there.


Welcome to the New in Sweden podcast, where we explain, give tips and good advice for finding a job and working in Sweden. The podcast is aimed at those who are new to the country. Our episode today is called "Working in Northern Sweden." We're going to dive into the job scene up north and we will also learn more about Adam’s story, who moved to Kiruna in Norrbotten, from the south of Sweden. And here in the studio, there's me, Ziza Madani, and my colleague Pär Axelsson. We both work at Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Employment Service.

Pär Axelsson:
Ziza, it seems like everyone is talking about Northern Sweden now.

Yes. That's because some exciting things are happening up there right now.

You know, back in the day, when I was young, people from Northern Sweden used to head south. But these days, it's like the other way around. Tell us what's happening.

Northern Sweden is booming, and that means they're on the lookout for people to work in all kinds of professions.

Wow. How many jobs are we talking about here?

The word going around is that almost 100,000 people will be needed for almost 200 different professions. Some of the cities worth keeping an eye on are Boden, Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, and Skellefteå. But there are vacancies all over Northern Sweden.

I'm curious about the kinds of jobs they're after. Do you need to be super educated for these roles?

Not at all. There's all kinds of jobs available. With new factories coming up, they need engineers, workers, professionals, and pretty much everyone. And these folks need the whole package – food, healthcare, schools for their kids… Everything really. Cities are growing, and they're on the hunt for all kinds of skills, from retail and services to teaching, healthcare, and even IT. Plus, it's not just full-time jobs, there are seasonal jobs too.

This is super interesting.

Let's talk about how to get started if you’re looking to make a move to Norrland.

Yes. Where do you start if you're thinking about heading north?

Arbetsförmedlingen has this special page for jobs in the north: arbetsformedlingen.se/norr. There, you will find job listings sorted by "län", which is what we call counties in Sweden. You will also get tips on how to land those jobs, information about different professions, and even details on vocational training. Trust me, this page is your new best friend.

Great information, Ziza. Thanks a lot.

Arbetsförmedlingen did an interview with Adam, who didn’t know a lot about Norrbotten before he decided to move there. Now he’s working in home care and is also studying. He moved to a city called Kiruna and the picture he had of that place before he moved was not what it turned out to be. He thought it was super cold, very snowy, and that bears were walking around the city. But he was really curios about whether that was true or not and started researching. Later, he asked his friends and colleagues who already lived there whether it was true. When he moved there himself, the picture he had built up in his head changed. The people living in Norrbotten were very friendly and curious about foreigners. It was easier for him to make friends.

That sounds interesting and inspiring. I loved the bit about running into bears in Northern Sweden – is it true?

Well, they do exist, but bears are very shy. If you want to listen to the whole interview with Adam, you can listen to the Swedish episode, called "Jobba i Norra Sverige". But it’s time to wrap up. Pär, you always have some good tips to share. Anything up your sleeve today as well?

Yes, certainly. Let's look at my notes… Here are my tips. My first tip: If you're interested in working in the north, the first step is getting in touch with the kommun you're heading to and asking about places to stay. Are there any homes available in the area? My second tip: If you have kids and want to move, ask your new kommun if there are schools or daycare centres nearby. The third tip: Ask potential employers if they can help with the move. Four: Most municipalities have a newcomer service called "inflyttarservice". It’s their job to help you out, so don't be shy about reaching out for advice.

And don't forget to check out arbetsformedlingen.se/norr. Pär, any parting words before we wrap up?

Look north. There are jobs in many industries, both now and in the future.

And those will be our closing words. Thank you, dear listeners, for being with us today. In a few weeks, we'll be back with a new episode. Take care!


You have been listening to the New in Sweden podcast by Arbetsförmedlingen. You can find all previous episodes at arbetsformedlingen.se/play. Have you got any questions, tips, or ideas? Please e-mail us at podcast@arbetsformedlingen.se. This episode was produced in the autumn of 2023.
