Frequently asked questions about reassessment

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about requesting reassessment of Arbetsförmedlingen’s decisions.

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take before I receive a decision in my case?

The average processing time at Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit is currently about 6-9 weeks. The processing time is counted from the date on which Arbetsförmedlingen receives a request for reassessment until a decision in the case has been made.

The average processing time is mainly affected by how many cases arrive at the reassessment unit. If the number of new cases increases, so does the average processing time. However, if the number of new cases decreases, so does the average processing time.

For which decisions can I request reassessment?

Which decisions you can ask to be reassessed depends mainly on the following two questions:

  1. Was the decision you wish to have reassessed made with the support of any of the labour market policy regulations with provisions on reassessment? Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit can only consider decisions made with the support of the labour market policy regulations. You can see which regulations these are on the page Rules.
  2. Does the decision you wish to have reassessed refer to you or to someone else? It is only the jobseeker or employer the decision refers to, or their representative, who can request reassessment of a decision. Nor can you request reassessment of a decision that Arbetsförmedlingen has taken and that refers to someone else if you are not that person’s representative (see the next question for information about representatives).

Can I use a representative to request a reassessment on my behalf?

Yes, you can use a representative to request a reassessment on your behalf or to represent you with Arbetsförmedlingen after you have requested reassessment. The person who is to represent you must send a written authorisation to Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit. The power of attorney must include the following:

  • Your personal and contact details.
  • That the representative has the right to represent you with Arbetsförmedlingen in your case with the reassessment unit.
  • The representative’s name and contact details. Note that Arbetsförmedlingen’s communications in the case will be with the representative.
  • If the authorisation only applies for a limited period, this period must be stated in the authorisation.

The power of attorney must be signed by you, as the person appointing the attorney, and the original document must be sent to Arbetsförmedlingen's reassassment unit. Send the authorisation to the following address:

Enheten Omprövning
FE 8050
107 67 Stockholm

What address should I send my request for reassessment to?

The address to which the form should be sent is already filled in.

In what order does Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit consider the cases that come in?

The reassessment unit considers cases in the order in which they arrive. All cases are equally important and they must be handled fairly. For this reason, we consider all cases in the order in which they arrive.

Has my request for reassessment been received by Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit?

If you have any questions about a request for reassessment that you have sent to Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit, you can telephone Arbetsförmedlingen on 0771-416 416 (for jobseekers) or 0771-508 508 (for employers). Our lines are open on weekdays (except public holidays) 09:00 – 12:00. To reach the right extension answer “omprövning” to the voice response.

Have the documents that I sent to Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit been received?

If you have questions about a request for reassessment that you have sent to the Arbetsförmedlingen's reassessment unit, you can telephone Arbetsförmedlingen on 0771-416 416 (for jobseekers) or 0771-508 508 (for employers). Our openning hours are weekend free weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. Say "omprövning (reconsideration)" in the voice response to be switched to the right unit.

I have received a letter that says you have received my enquiry. Do I need to do anything?

No, you don’t need to do anything. Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit will inform you by letter if your request for reassessment has been received. Another purpose of the letter is to inform you of the opportunity to send supplementary information/documents to us if there is anything you think has been omitted: something that you did not send us together with the request for reassessment.

I have received a letter from you with copies of the documents that are found in my case. Do I need to do anything?

No, you don’t need to do anything. Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit will inform you by letter if your request for reassessment has been received and to ensure that you have seen all the information that formed the basis for the decision for which you have requested reassessment. Another purpose of the letter is to inform you of the opportunity to send supplementary information/documents to us if there is anything you think has been omitted: something that you did not send us together with the request for reassessment.

How will I know when the reassessment unit has come to a decision in my case?

When the reassessment unit has reached a decision in your case, the decision will be sent to you by post. If you have a digital mailbox, it will be sent to this instead.

I have received an invoice from Arbetsförmedlingen with a claim for repayment and I have questions about it. Who should I approach?

You should contact Arbetsförmedlingen’s finance department. The contact details are on the invoice you received.

What is the difference between requesting a reassessment and making an appeal?

You can request reassessment of a decision that Arbetsförmedlingen has made with the support of any of the labour market policy regulations (see the first question). If a request is made for reassessment, Arbetsförmedlingen’s reassessment unit considers whether the decision is correct, if it follows the existing rules. A jobseeker or employer who considers that the reassessment unit’s decision is incorrect may, in some cases, appeal to an administrative court. If you have received a decision from the reassessment unit, you can see what applies in your case in the last paragraph, including whether the decision can be appealed or not. For more information, see the page Rules.