
If you need to improve your knowledge of the Swedish language and have a clear occupational focus, you may be entitled to Swedish teaching that is adapted to your occupation.

Occupational Swedish – learn the language of the workplace


10 minutes 43 seconds

Would you like to learn the Swedish you need at a workplace? Or learn more Swedish so that you can pursue vocational education? You can find out more in the film, which has subtitles in six languages.


Occupational Swedish is language teaching that is tailored to the Swedish that is needed within the occupation in which you intend to work. The teaching is focussed on the Swedish that is needed for that specific occupation.

For whom?

Occupational Swedish is for people who need to improve their knowledge of the Swedish language in preparation for a job or vocational education. It is important that you know what occupation you want to work in or which vocational education programme you are planning to apply for.

You need to be registered with Arbetsförmedlingen in order to access occupational Swedish. Arbetsförmedlingen decides whether you can start the study programme.

How it works

You can study occupational Swedish in different ways. It is possible to participate in the study programme full time or part time. In certain locations you can study either fully or partly remotely. It is common to first attend the occupational Swedish programme full time and to then continue on a part-time when you then start studying or job experience.

Occupational Swedish A is the preparatory study programme required before starting employment training, job experience or employment. You are given the opportunity to develop your language skills both verbally and in writing within your occupational field. The study programme can be combined with, for example, SFI or work experience. If you are participating in Prepare and Match, you can also study occupational Swedish if both Arbetsförmedlingen and your Prepare and Match supervisor agree that this would be good for you.

The purpose of the test is to assess what support you need. The language and level assessment test takes place over the course of a one study day and shows what level your knowledge of Swedish is at. The test serves as a foundation for your continued occupational Swedish studies and a basis for assessing whether you have sufficient knowledge to start employment training.

The intention is for the teaching to support you while you participate in employment training. The study programme is focussed on giving you the ability to communicate, interact and document things within the occupational field in which you are being trained.

The teaching takes place in the workplace where you are doing your job experience or are employed. The teaching is tailored so that you learn to communicate, interact and document things in the workplace. It is important that the workplace participates in the teaching so that you are able together to go through what you need to practise. The length of the Occupational Swedish B training is tailored to your needs.

Compensation and conditions

When studying Occupational Swedish A you participate in a programme and are able to apply to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency for compensation. While studying Occupational Swedish B it is the employment training or the workplace where you are doing your job experience that determines what compensation and what conditions apply.

We tell you here about how to apply for compensation and what applies when you are registered with Arbetsförmedlingen and participating in one of our programmes.

When participating in a programme

How to take the next step

Contact us

Prepare yourself to explain why the support could increase your job opportunities.


We review your situation together. An employment officer assesses whether the support is a good way to increase your job opportunities.


What support we can offer you depends on what your situation looks like. Who is entitled to any kind of support is ultimately regulated by the government.