Bidrag till uppstartskostnader vid start av näringsverksamhet

If you have a good business idea that could be profitable and have a disability that causes reduced working capacity, you can get a contribution for costs associated with starting up your business.


The Contribution to start-up costs of business activities, bidrag till uppstartskostnader vid start av näringsverksamhet, is a grant that makes it easier for you to get your business started, thus improving your opportunities in the labour market. You can get grants to purchase equipment or for other costs associated with the start of your business. It is a condition of receiving the contribution that you plan to run your business for at least three years.

The contribution can be combined with stöd till start av näringsverksamhet. You can also receive the contribution if you wish to start a business together with others.

For whom

You need to be registered as a job seeker with us. You must also satisfy the following conditions:

  • You have a disability that means that your working capacity is reduced.
  • You are well placed to run a business.
  • You have a business concept that we believe can be profitable and contribute a large part of your livelihood.
  • You plan to run your business for at least three years.

How it works

Contact us if you wish to know more about the contribution. Before we can decide if you can get the contribution, you need to report your start-up costs and produce a financing plan for your business.

If you have a business concept, you need first of all to produce a business plan. You can find more information about how to produce a business plan and run a business at

Starting and running a business (

Financial support

You can receive a contribution of up to SEK 60,000. The contribution is paid by us in the form of a lump sum. Please note that in some cases the contribution may be taxable. Contact Skatteverket if you wish to know more. You may be required to repay the whole or part of the contribution if you wind up the business or sell it within three years of receiving the contribution.

How to take the next step

Contact us

Prepare yourself to explain why the support could increase your job opportunities.


We review your situation together. An employment officer assesses whether the support is a good way to increase your job opportunities.


What support we can offer you depends on what your situation looks like. Who is entitled to any kind of support is ultimately regulated by the government.