Särskild stödperson för introduktions- och uppföljningsstöd – SIUS

If you have a disability, you can get support and help when you are looking for a job or when you are new to a workplace. A support person will help you train for tasks and other things that are needed for you to get a job.


The support is individual and is provided by a support person with special competence in introductory methodology, a so-called SIUS. The support person is linked in when you are looking for a job and can, among other things, help you get in touch with different employers. You can also get support in an employment or work experience placement so that you can familiarise yourself with your workplace. The support person helps you with the introduction to the workplace and is responsible for ensuring you receive the support you have agreed on. This can sometimes mean that the support person is working alongside you for a time. The support is then gradually decreased and ends completely when you can perform your tasks independently.

The support comes in two parts:

  • Introductory support, which you can get for a maximum of 6 months.
  • Follow-up support, which you can get for at least 1 year after you started your employment.

For whom

The special support person for introductory and follow-up support is for those who have disabilities and need special support in beginning a job. You need to be registered as a job seeker with us.

How it works

  • We assess whether a special support person for introductory and follow-up support is appropriate for you.
  • We review the tasks involved and what support may be relevant. We then draw up an agreement with you about the arrangement.
  • We make sure that you come into contact with a designated SIUS and then the collaboration can begin.
  • We draw up an agreement together with you, the employer and the support person. This states how we will set up the introduction and how extensive it should be.

Financial support

During the introductory period before the employment you will receive the same compensation you had as a job seeker.

How to take the next step

Contact us

Prepare yourself to explain why the support could increase your job opportunities.


We review your situation together. An employment officer assesses whether the support is a good way to increase your job opportunities.


What support we can offer you depends on what your situation looks like. Who is entitled to any kind of support is ultimately regulated by the government.