Employment with support

You have the opportunity to step into or back into work, while the employer receives a contribution to your salary.

Bidrag för personligt biträde

You can get support and help from a person at your workplace if you have reduced working capacity due to a disability. Your employer will then receive a grant to allocate staff for this.


If you have been unemployed for an extended period or if you belong to a certain category of newcomer, you can get an labour market entry agreement (etableringsjobb) to make it easier to become established on the labour market.


When you need help getting into the labour market. You can combine the introductory job with studies, which improves your own skills and meets employers' needs.


If you have reduced working capacity due to a disability, you can get a job that is tailored to your circumstances. At the same time, your employer can receive financial support for your wages.


If you have been unemployed for a long time or been away from working life, because of illness for example, a new start job gives you a chance to start again.

Projekt med arbetsmarknadspolitisk inriktning

There may be labour market policy projects in your area that we run together with others. If there is an appropriate project in your area, you may be invited to participate.


With a job at Samhall, you have the opportunity to develop your ability to work and your professional skills. You have support and supervision while there.

Skyddat arbete hos offentlig arbetsgivare

A specially adapted job for those who have a disability.

Särskild stödperson för introduktion och uppföljningsstöd - SIUS

If you have a disability, you can get support and help when you are looking for a job or when you are new to a workplace. A support person will help you train for tasks and other things that are needed for you to get a job.