Intensiv praktik

An intensive internship is an opportunity for you to gain work experience if you are new to Sweden and are taking part in the Intensive Year within the introduction programme. The goal is for you to get a job quickly in the same profession or industry in which you doing your internship.


An intensive internship means that you can try working in a workplace where you can strengthen your professional skills and gain work experience. It is part of a vocation-focused chain of interventions that will increase your chances of finding work in a selected profession or industry.

In order for the internship to give a good result, it is important you have a supervisor during the internship.

For whom

  • Intensive internships are for people who are taking part in the Intensive Year within the introduction programme.
  • You must have at least 12 months left in the introduction programme.
  • You must be able to take part full-time.

How it works

  • Arbetsförmedlingen assesses and decides whether an intensive internship would be suitable for you.
  • We discuss with you and agree on which profession or industry would suit you.
  • We plan and structure the internship period with clear goals for how you will develop your occupational skills.
  • You will be supported by a supervisor who has regular meetings with you and Arbetsförmedlingen.
  • When the internship is completed, you will receive a certificate from the employer stating what knowledge and skills you have gained during your internship.

The internship can last for six months with the possibility of an extension for a further three months.

Benefit and conditions

When you receive this support, you are taking part in a programme. You can then apply for benefit from Försäkringskassan. Here, you will find out more about how to apply for the benefit and what rules apply when you take part in one of our programmes.

When you take part in a programme

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Kontakta oss

Förbered dig så att du kan motivera varför stödet kan öka dina möjligheter till jobb.


Tillsammans kartlägger vi din situation. En arbetsförmedlare bedömer om stödet är ett bra sätt att öka dina möjligheter till jobb.


Vilket stöd vi kan erbjuda dig beror på hur just din situation ser ut. Vem som har rätt till ett stöd regleras ytterst av regeringen.