Paths towards training, education or jobs

Is education and training your goal or do you want to find a job right away? We can guide you on the path towards reaching your goal. You can get help with setting realistic subgoals and overcoming any obstacles on the way.

Find education, training or a job

Once you’ve determined the best career path for you, there are different routes to take based on your goal. You need to draw up either a plan for education and training or how to find and apply for jobs.

Whether you decide on education and training or a job, it is important to formulate a clear goal and subgoals. Make use of our various tools to lay the foundation for your plan.

What to do

  1. Do you want to know what education and training you need to reach your goal? Under Choosing education and training you can find out what education and training will suit you, based on your situation. Under Training and education paths you can read about vocational training, remote education and training and other options. In Find an occupation (in Swedish) there are tips on what education and training is needed.
  2. Do you have sufficient skills and experience to look for a job straight away? Then you can find various tips in Find a job. Under CV, job application and interview you can also find our top tips on how to sharpen up your CV or write a personal letter.

Remember to keep notes on the tips and thoughts that come up. For example, what education or training option is best for me? How can I find out what education and training is needed? How do I find and apply for jobs? Your notes will be useful when it is time to fill in your plan.

Draw up a plan

An important start is to set a clear goal. To achieve your goal, it is important to divide the path to it into smaller steps – subgoals. It is easier to keep motivation up if the final goal doesn’t feel too big or far away. You also need to clarify what obstacles you might encounter on the way and how to get around them.

What to do

  1. Go through our guide Formulate a goal and subgoals. Here you can find good advice about how to write realistic, inspiring and smart subgoals.
  2. It is not uncommon, as an adult, to encounter various obstacles to studying. These might concern finances, accommodation or being out of the habit of studying. Go through Dare to start studying to make those obstacles visible and to find ways around them.


We can give you tips about everything to do with education and training. About studying, choosing the right education or training and so on.

Education and studies